We get very excited over how our creative partners utilise Info Point.
Graphic designers, heritage interpreters, software developers and media specialists have all taken our off-the-shelf product and sprinkled some extra sparkle inside to create custom visitor experiences.
Are you a creative practitioner looking to incorporate an info-point into one of your client’s projects? The first thing you should know is that we offer a healthy discount because we appreciate you need it to make financial sense and you’re doing sales work on our behalf.
Think of our Info Points as mini computers (that’s what they are) and then let your creative juices flow. And to give you an idea of what can be done take a look at these case studies.

The Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme is in northern France. It is a war memorial to over…

We Are Northampton
An interactive multi-player quiz to test local knowledge. The ‘We Are Northampton’ exhibition, designed by Ugly Studios, celebrated the town’s…

Runnymede war memorial – Noor Khan’s story
Since the First World War, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) has been maintaining 23,000 sites of Commonwealth war graves…

Interactive Quiz
Why not make Info Point an interactive element in your museum or art gallery. Read about how Ugly Studios used Info Point at Northampton Museum and Art Gallery to reinforce learning at the end of the We Are Northampton exhibit.
Still looking for more reasons to buy an Info Point?
- Content is so easy to add and update
- No ongoing costs
- Standalone
- Low-power (the same as a 20w light bulb)
- Can be located out of sight/reach
- Advanced features include dedicated school/staff areas, webcams, interactives
- No broadband, network coverage or special app needed