3D Models: Premium feature

Info Point supports 3D models as one of it's premium features. Drag and drop your .glb file (easily exported from…

CMS Login

As an Info Point 'Admin' or 'Editor' you can freely upload and edit your Info Point content. To access the…

Upload media

Before you can add images, audio, video and PDFs to content pages you will need to upload these files to…

Add and edit pages

Add new pages to the Info Point CMS by tapping the + button in the top right hand corner of…

Build menu navigation

So you've added a few pages to your Info Point and now you want to create a navigation menu to…

Welcome page

Create a landing page to welcome your visitors. You can add and configure the welcome message, button and background image.…

Content styles

Easily add your brand to the different elements of your Info point website using the font and colour picker (you…

Header and footer

Add icons to both the header and footer and enable/disable the 'sticky header'. Edit the footer link title and copyright…


Info Point provides some basic analytics that reveal how many people have connected, the number of pages they have visited…

Customer feedback form

Our custom form builder allows you to gather feedback from visitors. You can select for a number of different question…

Export and import

Create a back up of your Info Point content to export and save locally. You can also import a previously…

Manage users

Your Info Point will come programmed with at least one user set up. As an Admin you can add additional…