The Info Point installed at Holy Trinity focuses on much more than just the church, it is a virtual visitor information hub for visitors to this pretty Peak District village and surrounding communities.
Like many churches, Holy Trinity is popular with visitors throughout the year and particularly in summer during the annual flower festival and well dressings. Although the church is open every day during daylight hours, it is mostly unattended. Info Point is the perfect way to share stories and direct visitors to the information they need to make the most of their visit.

Visitor are made aware of Info Point as soon as they enter the church, and visitors can quickly access information about the church – including a church tour – and the village – local amenities and heritage spots are highlighted. Visitors can also download a handy PDF with useful information to take away.
Wildfi created the interactive floor plan for the church and the Churchwarden researched, wrote and uploaded the content following the training resources found in our How to section.
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